Farm Raised and Home Grown
Introducing Haidek’s All-Natural Seasonings
“Bring On The Flavor!”
The Perfect Partner to Haidek’s Succulent Cuts of Meat!
Grass-Fed & Pasture Raised Beef
From the fertile grounds of our farm Haidek’s Meat Market has emerged as a premier supplier of farm-fresh, organic beef and pork with more expansions soon to come.
Beef is divided into large sections called primal cuts. These primal beef cuts, or are broken down into subprimal cuts, or "food-service cuts”, which consist of individual steaks, roasts, and other retail cuts of beef.
Pork is divided into large sections called primal cuts. These primal cuts, which are shown above are broken down into individual cuts, which is the meat you find at the grocery store or even better, purchase from your friendly neighborhood meat market!
Chicken is the most widely consumed domesticated fowl in the world; because of its versatility and its low fat to protein ratio. It can be used as a whole bird or be divided into four different cuts – the drumstick, wing, thigh and breast.
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat."
— Fran Lebowitz.”
Meat 101